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Identity evolution

You've outgrown your current life, and you are craving more, but you don't know what, nor how to get there.

In your attempt to make the transition:

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  • You feel unsafe

  • You feel like you don't know yourself anymore

  • You feel like you want to go back to how it was

  • Your nervous system is more activated then ever

Give yourself the grace, the patience, the time to connect with the new self.

You'll gain clarity of mind, you'll be more open hearted and you will take courageous action towards your new self.



Outgrowing your current self is hard enough on our own.

A bit of clarity, guidance and perspective can go a long way. 


is this you?

your transition doesn't have to be confusing

Whether we like it or not, we grow out of different life phase all the time!


Whether we start a business, or we become a parent, or we leave behind the good girl persona, or we redefine what success means to us or we move locations, we constantly shed old parts of ourselves to move into new ways of being.


But this process can be overwhelming and confusing; however it doesn't have to be that way.

Each phase of your evolution, if understood correctly, can be used to your advantage so you can transition faster, better and integrating past lessons and old parts of self without dismissing them.

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the caterpillar: 

old self phase

It feels safe because it's known, and predictable, but it might not be comfortable anymore.

It can feel stifling, constricting, misaligned.

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the chrysalis:

transition phase

The chaos, it's unpleasant. It's scary, unknown, overwhelming and confusing. Everything you've known is falling apart and it doesn't seem to work as well as before.  

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the butterfly:

new self phase

Brings pleasure, confidence, expansion, new opportunities, new desires, creative ideas.

Only when it's built upon and integrating lessons from the old phase.



"As a new mom, I felt disconnected from myself. The old ways of dealing with stress didn't work and were making things worse. I just didn't know how to deal with this new stage of my life and with the transition. During coaching with Ana it became very clear where I was holding on to things that were no longer serving me.

With Ana's guidance I was able to change a few key things that brought so much clarity and relief."


"When I started microdosing on my own I felt this uplift in my mood and I loved it. But Soon I reached a plateau and dipped again into my depressive mood. I didn't know what else to do. During this course, I learned how to connect with my body though amazing embodiment practises that helped me elevate my mood and drive long lasting results. I felt so seen and supported. Thank you!"

Three pillars of
Identity Evolution Blueprint program


Getting clear

Transitioning from an old identity into a new one can be confusing, overwhelming and scary. With a bit of perspective over your journey; where you are now and where you are going you can gain confidence in the process. Together we will make sense of all of this.


Identifying strengths

Your old ways of being, or coping strategies with life's challenges don't seem to work anymore?

As you are transitioning from one phase into another, new sources of strength will emerge. Together, we will tap into those to seize the emerging opportunities presented to you so you can practise embodying your new self in your next life phase.


Aligned action

Sometimes, as we move towards the new identity, we might doubt we made the right choice. The answer is encoded into your body's knowing. Together we will tap into your body's wisdom, your inner knowing and find out if your doubt comes from fear of change or from misalignment. 

You'll reclaim your inner knowing to step into the new phase of your life.


My name is Ana Maria

I help successful professional women through life transitions, such as motherhood, career, and location, to create an actionable blueprint to transitions smoother and with less pain. Learn about my transition stories, what got me here and my favourite modalities to use with clients.

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